Enter your zip code and create an account to unlock access to our exclusive selection of premium, locally sourced beef. With 16 convenient pickup locations across Utah, finding a site near you has never been easier.
Browse our online store for the perfect cuts or bundles. All our products are sourced from local ranchers dedicated to sustainability and processed at our state-of-the-art facility, ensuring you receive the freshest, highest-quality beef every time.
Save money on shipping and enjoy convenient local pickup! Once youâve chosen one of our 16 nearby locations and placed your order, all thatâs left is to arrive at the specified day and time. Weâll have your premium, fresh beef waitingâno delivery fees, just great flavor ready to bring straight to your table.
~24 oz | 1 Steak Per Pack | 1.5 lbs.
~24 oz | 1 Steak Per Pack | 1.5 lbs.
~40 - 4 Ounce Portions | 10-12 lbs.
~8 - 4 Ounce Portions | 2 lbs.
60 - 4 Ounce Portions | 15 lbs.
1520 - 4 Ounce Portions | 380 lbs.
760 - 4 Ounce Portions | 190 lbs.
380 - 4 Ounce Portions | 95 lbs.
40 - 4 Ounce Portions | 10 lbs.
60 - 4 Ounce Portions | 15 lbs. | Handcrafted Body Care Products
140 - 4 Ounce Portions | 35 lbs.
~18 oz Per Steak | 2 Steaks Per Pack | 2.5 lbs.
~12 oz Per Steak | 2 Steaks Per Pack | 1.5 lbs.
4 - 4 Ounce Portions | 1 lb.
40 - 4 Ounce Portions | 10 lbs.
~18 oz Per Steak | 2 Steaks Per Pack | 2.5 lbs.
~8 oz Per Steak | 2 Steaks Per Pack | 1 lb.
~12 oz Per Steak | 2 Steaks Per Pack | 1.5 lbs.
~8 oz Per Steak | 2 Steaks Per Pack | 1 lb.
~12 oz | 2 Steaks Per Pack | 1.5 lbs.
~16 - 4 Ounce Portions | 3-5 lbs.
~1 Roast | 2-4 lbs.
~12 - 4 Ounce Portions | 2-4 lbs.
~20 - 4 Ounce Portions | 4-6 lbs.